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International Human Rights Day 2022

Human Rights for All

As a human, we all are born free and equal. This implies that everyone is entitled to human rights, regardless of sexual identity and orientation.

 This was corroborated by the development in 2007 of the Yogyakarta Principles on the Application of International Human Rights Law about Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity.

This was propounded in reaction to patterns of abuse targeting people because of their existing or perceived sexual orientation or gender identity, the Principles place such significant concerns as extrajudicial enactments, torment, and other violence, access to justice, privacy, non-discrimination, rights to freedom of expression and assembly, employment, health, education, immigration and refugee issues, public participation, and a range of other rights.

Sexual identity should not be an avenue for the violation of sex workers’ rights.

In the same vein, the Statement on Human Rights, Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity proposed in the UN General Assembly in December 2008, which was signed by 66 states, is the first statement criticizing human rights violations established on sexual orientation and gender identity to be presented in the General Assembly.

Delivered by the Ambassador of Argentina, this rememberable statement was harmonized by states from all regional groups, the states include Argentina, Brazil, Croatia, France, Gabon, Japan, the Netherlands, and Norway.

The statement condemns killings, torture, arbitrary arrest, and ‘deprivation of economic, social and cultural rights, including the right to health.

It is barbaric to deny anyone access to his/her rights, before anything else WE ARE HUMAN!

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