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SRHR Remains one of the obvious challenges faced by women in Nigeria at large

SRHR remains one of the obvious challenges faced by women in Nigeria at large; as such it should be prioritized by governmental and non-governmental organizations. This is based on the fact thatexisting policiesare crippled by cultural, societal and religious norms alongside inadequate resources, persistent discrimination against women and girls and the unwillingness to address issues related to sexual orientation and sexual identity openly and comprehensively.

To further buttress the above,UAF-Africa (2020)  asserted that accessibility to SRHR services and information is often challenged and opposed by the intricate invisible networks, that include the interconnected punitive policies and restrictive laws, social norms, stigma and discrimination, that indirectly or directly deter women from fully accessing these services and realising their rights.Hence, the need for continuous advocacy is pertinent to enlighten women as well as the masses on their rights to contraceptives, safe abortions, rights to sexual health, sexual rights and rights to reproductive health.

Human rights are rights that every single human is born with.Hence SRH should be accessible by all, regardless of sexual identity or orientation. These rights allow people to make informed and meaningful decisions about their own sexual wellbeing, such as their sexual orientation, relationships, sexual activity, family planning or their bodies. Knowing your rights is important to have a good sexual and reproductive health.

Konowrocka (2020) opined that SRHR are not only a crucial part of healthcare, but they also constitute an essential element for achieving gender equality and promoting women’s rights. They give women the possibility to make autonomous decisions about their own bodies, sexual identity and sexual orientation. They keep women healthy, dignified and safe.






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